

Hello, Welcome to Casual apparel in the workplace. As we all know apparel is a multifaceted topic in but not exclusive to the business world. In the posts to come I will be exploring what is deemed appropriate in my point of view, as well as others, when it becomes an issue, how is it fair to outline the rules and many others. Please feel free to comment and post your opinions, points of view and even if there is a topic you would be interested in reading about.

1 comment:

  1. Great introduction. Now would be a good time to talk about some of the perils of casual apparel in the workplace. How do you know what is and is not appropriate? What standards are used in defining the term “casual”? What does the word “casual” mean in different business sectors – for example, do bankers who work directly with the public approach it differently than engineers who tend to work independently? The text is also a great starting point.
