
Designer or Not

When it comes to designer clothes there are generally two points of view. The first being that more expensive clothes such as a $2,000 suit is a sign that the person is bad with money and spends too much. The second is that less expensive clothes are a sign the person is bad at what they do and aren't paid very much. Both points also have the contrary such as expensive clothes mean the person is rich and works hard, or less expensive clothes are a sign that the person invests in something more important. I think both opinions have merit, but depending on the work environment. So someone with an executive position, lots of responsibility and high pay should be able to reflect that with the outfit and someone who in a lower position should be able to dress appropriately for the role, not spending everything they make on clothes.


  1. I completely agree with the fact that people are judged on what name brands they wear or how much they spend on their appearance. Many people buy into this hype that the more you pay for something the more you are worth. I feel that this is not the case. Why pay more for something that you can get for less, but of the same value? When dressing for the workplace you have options about where you purchase suits. Moore's is not overly expensive and they offer deals and rewards. All that is important is that you dress the part and you conduct yourself in a professional manner.
    Why would you want to spend all the money you work hard for on clothing?

  2. It is nice to comment on this topic. As everybody knows that today's world is full of fashion. But in my opinion, people should not be judged with their cloths. People worked in high level obviously wear branded and expensive wears because they usually be in touch with higher level personnel which needs good appearance to make effectiveness. Whereas people who work as a labor they have to wear similar wear for their comfort while working. But I don't think the people who work in factory can't afford the branded cloths as the higher level worker does. So only wear doesn't give the actual status of people....
