
What is Casual?

Adjective: Relaxed and unconcerned.
Noun: A person who does something irregularly: "a number of casuals became regular customers".
Synonyms: accidental - incidental - fortuitous - occasional

I thought it would be a good idea to expand on the meaning of the blog title before delving deeper into further discussions.

When I think of casual and work the first thing that pops into my head is Casual Friday, and the second thing to pop into my head would be that episode of The Office, which I greatly enjoyed and will make reference to in this post. So for those who don't know what Casual Friday is, it is basically a fun thing some companies (typically office environments) do to boost moral, have fun, or whatever. For these special occasions the dress code allows for a more casual attire for the day so instead of ties and skirts employees are encouraged to wear jeans and sweaters - simple enough. However the dress code is left up to the discretion of the individuals thus opening the door for conflict like we see when The Office tried to do a Casual Friday that did not end well. But on a day-to-day basis casual apparel depends on the work environment, some places require a uniform (food service, emergency personnel, security), others a suit (managers, executives, authority figures), some must wear costumes (circus, performers, actors) for all of these fields and more, casual apparel is not acceptable but there are always groups that are permitted to wear casual clothing (but must meet certain requirements like sleeve length or graphic shirts) such as self employed individuals, telecommuters and occasionally cashiers at a company with a casual dress code.

I hope this post was informative and helped expand your views on what casual is and can be.

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting. I think that more companies that don't deal with customer face-to-face should allow their employees to wear business casual because it makes the business more interesting than just everyone wearing suits and ties. My brother works at BMO and they have changed from Formal with Casual Friday to everyday casual because all the employees said that they felt like they were in high school again and had to wear a uniform. In my thoughts, if a business wears business casual, it doesn't make the job look dead.
