
Know What to Wear From Day One

First impressions are important, someone can form an opinion about you before you even say hello. Knowing what to wear is crucial in business it is a way of telling other people who you are, what you want and what you are capable of before you say anything and if done well it will have a lasting impression.

With all the different fashions and trends out there and new ones always popping up it can be mind boggling what is appropriate especially in a new work environment when you are just starting out. So what is someone starting out supposed to do? Well before your first day on the job you will need to visit the workplace for an interview and in many cases a second interview. While there you should take the time to observe what your 'could be' coworkers are wearing. In addition try to spot some common similarities such as tie clips or pulled back hair, little things that will make the integration process smoother. Another valuable source to observe will be your interviewer(s) depending on if it is one-on-one or a panel. Typically your interviewer will be your potential supervisor and/or people above him/her. Taking note of what your coworkers and superiors wear is a sure fire way to dress so that you will fit right in on the first day.

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